
是OOM(out of memory)了,可以通过检查job的schema分配的内存和实际消耗的内存来确定。解决方案是在job schema里面增加内存的分配。

是Cron的job发生冲突了,而且此job的schema中的Collision Policies为KILL_EXISTING(default就是这个),那么根据官方文档是会被kill掉的:

The cron_collision_policy field specifies the scheduler’s behavior when a new cron job is triggered while an older run hasn’t finished. The scheduler has two policies available:

  • KILL_EXISTING: The default policy - on a collision the old instances are killed and a instances with the current configuration are started.
  • CANCEL_NEW: On a collision the new run is cancelled.

解决方案一是取消所有的同名job,然后重新schedule此job。(注意使用aurora cron deschedule xxx会把正在run的job从cron类型变成adhoc类型的job,并不会终止它,还需要使用aurora job killall xxx来把active的job终止掉。)二是在job的schema里面把cron_collision_policy设为CANCEL_NEW