Chapter 3: Objects

Objects come in two forms: the declarative (literal) form, and the constructed form.

The literal syntax for an object looks like this:

var myObj = {
    key: value
    // ...

The constructed form looks like this:

var myObj = new Object();
myObj.key = value;


It’s a common mis-statement that “everything in JavaScript is an object”. This is clearly not true.

This is why I like Python.

There are several other object sub-types, usually referred to as built-in objects. For some of them, their names seem to imply they are directly related to their simple primitives counter-parts, but in fact, their relationship is more complicated, which we’ll explore shortly.

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Object
  • Function
  • Array
  • Date
  • RegExp
  • Error

These built-ins have the appearance of being actual types, even classes, if you rely on the similarity to other languages such as Java’s String class.

But in JS, these are actually just built-in functions. Each of these built-in functions can be used as a constructor (that is, a function call with the new operator), with the result being a newly constructed object of the sub-type in question.


The primitive value "I am a string" is not an object, it’s a primitive literal and immutable value. To perform operations on it, such as checking its length, accessing its individual character contents, etc, a String object is required.

Luckily, the language automatically coerces a "string" primitive to a String object when necessary, which means you almost never need to explicitly create the Object form. It is strongly preferred by the majority of the JS community to use the literal form for a value, where possible, rather than the constructed object form.


var strPrimitive = "I am a string";

console.log( strPrimitive.length );         // 13

console.log( strPrimitive.charAt( 3 ) );    // "m"

In both cases, we call a property or method on a string primitive, and the engine automatically coerces it to a Stringobject, so that the property/method access works.


To access the value at the location a in myObject, we need to use either the . operator or the [ ] operator. The .asyntax is usually referred to as “property” access, whereas the ["a"] syntax is usually referred to as “key” access.

区别是.用起来更方便,而[ ]的适用范围更广(比如属性名称是动态确定的情况,类似Python的getattr方法)。

In objects, property names are always strings. If you use any other value besides a string (primitive) as the property, it will first be converted to a string. This even includes numbers, which are commonly used as array indexes, so be careful not to confuse the use of numbers between objects and arrays.


The myObject[..] property access syntax we just described is useful if you need to use a computed expression value as the key name, like myObject[prefix + name]. But that’s not really helpful when declaring objects using the object-literal syntax.

ES6 adds computed property names, where you can specify an expression, surrounded by a [ ] pair, in the key-name position of an object-literal declaration:

var prefix = "foo";

var myObject = {
    [prefix + "bar"]: "hello",
    [prefix + "baz"]: "world"

myObject["foobar"]; // hello
myObject["foobaz"]; // world

用惯了Python字典的特别要注意了,JavaScript的对象属性名称不是run time确定的,只要名称不是string(是表达式或要动态确定)就必须套个[ ],比如作为属性名下面的a是不会转换成foo的:

var a = "foo";
var b = "bar";

var myObject = {
    a: "hello",
    [b]: "world"

console.log(myObject["foo"]); // undefined
console.log(myObject["bar"]); // world
console.log(myObject["a"]); // hello


Every time you access a property on an object, that is a property access, regardless of the type of value you get back. If you happen to get a function from that property access, it’s not magically a “method” at that point. There’s nothing special (outside of possible implicit this binding as explained earlier) about a function that comes from a property access.


Be careful: If you try to add a property to an array, but the property name looks like a number, it will end up instead as a numeric index (thus modifying the array contents):

var myArray = [ "foo", 42, "bar" ];

myArray["3"] = "baz";

myArray.length; // 4

myArray[3];     // "baz"


One subset solution is that objects which are JSON-safe (that is, can be serialized to a JSON string and then re-parsed to an object with the same structure and values) can easily be duplicated with:

var newObj = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( someObj ) );

Of course, that requires you to ensure your object is JSON safe. For some situations, that’s trivial. For others, it’s insufficient.

At the same time, a shallow copy is fairly understandable and has far less issues, so ES6 has now defined Object.assign(..) for this task. Object.assign(..) takes a target object as its first parameter, and one or more source objects as its subsequent parameters. It iterates over all the enumerable (see below), owned keys (immediately present) on the source object(s) and copies them (via = assignment only) to target. It also, helpfully, returns target, as you can see below:

var newObj = Object.assign( {}, myObject );


We can use Object.defineProperty(..) to add a new property, or modify an existing one (if it’s configurable!), with the desired characteristics.

For example:

var myObject = {};

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "a", {
    value: 2,
    writable: true,
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: true
} );

myObject.a; // 2



The ability for you to change the value of a property is controlled by writable.

"use strict";

var myObject = {};

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "a", {
    value: 2,
    writable: false, // not writable!
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: true
} );

myObject.a = 3; // TypeError


As long as a property is currently configurable, we can modify its descriptor definition, using the same defineProperty(..) utility.

var myObject = {
    a: 2

myObject.a = 3;
myObject.a;                 // 3

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "a", {
    value: 4,
    writable: true,
    configurable: false,    // not configurable!
    enumerable: true
} );

myObject.a;                 // 4
myObject.a = 5;
myObject.a;                 // 5

Object.defineProperty( myObject, "a", {
    value: 6,
    writable: true,
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: true
} ); // TypeError

Be careful: as you can see, changing configurable to false is a one-way action, and cannot be undone!

Note: There’s a nuanced exception to be aware of: even if the property is already configurable:falsewritable can always be changed from true to false without error, but not back to true if already false.

Another thing configurable:false prevents is the ability to use the delete operator to remove an existing property.


The name probably makes it obvious, but this characteristic controls if a property will show up in certain object-property enumerations, such as the loop. Set to false to keep it from showing up in such enumerations, even though it’s still completely accessible. Set to true to keep it present.


Prevent Extensions

If you want to prevent an object from having new properties added to it, but otherwise leave the rest of the object’s properties alone, call Object.preventExtensions(..):

var myObject = {
    a: 2

Object.preventExtensions( myObject );

myObject.b = 3;
myObject.b; // undefined

In non-strict mode, the creation of b fails silently. In strict mode, it throws a TypeError.


Object.seal(..) creates a “sealed” object, which means it takes an existing object and essentially calls Object.preventExtensions(..) on it, but also marks all its existing properties as configurable:false.

So, not only can you not add any more properties, but you also cannot reconfigure or delete any existing properties (though you can still modify their values).


Object.freeze(..) creates a frozen object, which means it takes an existing object and essentially calls Object.seal(..) on it, but it also marks all “data accessor” properties as writable:false, so that their values cannot be changed.



The default built-in [[Get]] operation for an object first inspects the object for a property of the requested name, and if it finds it, it will return the value accordingly.

However, the [[Get]] algorithm defines other important behavior if it does not find a property of the requested name. We will examine in Chapter 5 what happens next (traversal of the [[Prototype]] chain, if any).

But one important result of this [[Get]] operation is that if it cannot through any means come up with a value for the requested property, it instead returns the value undefined.


When invoking [[Put]], how it behaves differs based on a number of factors, including (most impactfully) whether the property is already present on the object or not.

If the property is present, the [[Put]] algorithm will roughly check:

  1. Is the property an accessor descriptor (see “Getters & Setters” section below)? If so, call the setter, if any.
  2. Is the property a data descriptor with writable of falseIf so, silently fail in non-strict mode, or throw TypeError in strict mode.
  3. Otherwise, set the value to the existing property as normal.

If the property is not yet present on the object in question, the [[Put]] operation is even more nuanced and complex. We will revisit this scenario in Chapter 5 when we discuss [[Prototype]] to give it more clarity.


Getters & Setters

ES5 introduced a way to override part of these default operations, not on an object level but a per-property level, through the use of getters and setters. Getters are properties which actually call a hidden function to retrieve a value. Setters are properties which actually call a hidden function to set a value.

When you define a property to have either a getter or a setter or both, its definition becomes an “accessor descriptor” (as opposed to a “data descriptor”). For accessor-descriptors, the value and writable characteristics of the descriptor are moot and ignored, and instead JS considers the set and get characteristics of the property (as well as configurable and enumerable).


var myObject = {
    // define a getter for `a`
    get a() {
        return 2;

    myObject,   // target
    "b",        // property name
    {           // descriptor
        // define a getter for `b`
        get: function(){ return this.a * 2 },

        // make sure `b` shows up as an object property
        enumerable: true

myObject.a; // 2

myObject.b; // 4

对象属性粒度的获取/设置属性的方法。所以这里调用myObject.a,实际调用的是myObject.a.get()?Code talks:

var myObject = {
    // define a getter for `a`
    get a() {
        return 2;

console.log(myObject); // { a: [Getter] }
myObject.a; // { a: [Getter] }

如果这里的this是隐式绑定的话,这里应该调用的是myObject.Getter("a")Getter为一个隐藏的对象方法),然后mapping到了myObject.a.get方法。Just like:

var myObject = {
    // define a getter for `a`
    a: {
        _get: function () {
    init: function () {
        this.Getter = this.a._get; // Some mapping to the attribute 'a' here.
      	delete this.init;
        return this;



var myObject = {
    // define a getter for `a`
    a: {
        _get: function () {
    init: function () {
        delete this.init;
        this.a._get = this.a._get.bind(this);
        return this;




We can ask an object if it has a certain property without asking to get that property’s value:

var myObject = {
    a: 2

("a" in myObject);              // true
("b" in myObject);              // false

myObject.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // true
myObject.hasOwnProperty( "b" ); // false

The in operator will check to see if the property is in the object, or if it exists at any higher level of the [[Prototype]]chain object traversal (see Chapter 5). By contrast, hasOwnProperty(..) checks to see if only myObject has the property or not, and will not consult the [[Prototype]] chain.




console.log(4 in [2, 4, 6]); // false


Enumeration loops applied to arrays can give somewhat unexpected results, in that the enumeration of an array will include not only all the numeric indices, but also any enumerable properties. It’s a good idea to use loops only on objects, and traditional for loops with numeric index iteration for the values stored in arrays.


var array = [2, 4, 6];
array.len = 3;

for (var i in array) {
// 0
// 1
// 2
// len

var myObject = { };

    // make `a` enumerable, as normal
    { enumerable: true, value: 2 }

    // make `b` non-enumerable
    { enumerable: false, value: 3 }

myObject.propertyIsEnumerable( "a" ); // true
myObject.propertyIsEnumerable( "b" ); // false

Object.keys( myObject ); // ["a"]
Object.getOwnPropertyNames( myObject ); // ["a", "b"]

propertyIsEnumerable(..) tests whether the given property name exists directly on the object and is also enumerable:true.

Object.keys(..) returns an array of all enumerable properties, whereas Object.getOwnPropertyNames(..) returns an array of all properties, enumerable or not.

Whereas in vs. hasOwnProperty(..) differ in whether they consult the [[Prototype]] chain or not, Object.keys(..)and Object.getOwnPropertyNames(..) both inspect only the direct object specified.

There’s (currently) no built-in way to get a list of all properties which is equivalent to what the in operator test would consult (traversing all properties on the entire [[Prototype]] chain).



ES5 also added several iteration helpers for arrays, including forEach(..)every(..), and some(..). Each of these helpers accepts a function callback to apply to each element in the array, differing only in how they respectively respond to a return value from the callback.

forEach(..) will iterate over all values in the array, and ignores any callback return values. every(..) keeps going until the end or the callback returns a false (or “falsy”) value, whereas some(..) keeps going until the end or the callback returns a true (or “truthy”) value.

These special return values inside every(..) and some(..) act somewhat like a break statement inside a normal forloop, in that they stop the iteration early before it reaches the end.


var array = [2, 4, 6];

array.forEach(function foo(item) {
    return item == 4; // Will not break the loop
// 2
// 4
// 6

array.every(function foo(item) {
    return item == 4; // Break the loop if return false
// 2

array.some(function foo(item) {
    return item == 4; // Break the loop if return true
// 2
// 4

What if you want to iterate over the values directly instead of the array indices (or object properties)? Helpfully, ES6 adds a for..of loop syntax for iterating over arrays (and objects, if the object defines its own custom iterator):

var myArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

for (var v of myArray) {
    console.log( v );
// 1
// 2
// 3

The for..of loop asks for an iterator object (from a default internal function known as @@iterator in spec-speak) of the thing to be iterated, and the loop then iterates over the successive return values from calling that iterator object’s next() method, once for each loop iteration.


Arrays have a built-in @@iterator, so for..of works easily on them, as shown. But let’s manually iterate the array, using the built-in @@iterator, to see how it works:

var myArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
var it = myArray[Symbol.iterator]();; // { value:1, done:false }; // { value:2, done:false }; // { value:3, done:false }; // { done:true }



var randoms = {
   [Symbol.iterator]: function() {
       return {
           next: function() {
               return { value: Math.random() };

var randoms_pool = [];
for (var n of randoms) {
   randoms_pool.push( n );

   // don't proceed unbounded!
   if (randoms_pool.length === 100) break;

This iterator will generate random numbers “forever”, so we’re careful to only pull out 100 values so our program doesn’t hang.


Chapter 4: Mixing (Up) “Class” Objects

JavaScript “Classes”

Where does JavaScript fall in this regard? JS has had some class-like syntactic elements (like new and instanceof) for quite awhile, and more recently in ES6, some additions, like the class keyword (see Appendix A).

But does that mean JavaScript actually has classes? Plain and simple: No.

Syntactic sugar and (extremely widely used) JS “Class” libraries go a long way toward hiding this reality from you, but sooner or later you will face the fact that the classes you have in other languages are not like the “classes” you’re faking in JS.


Explicit Mixins

Let’s again revisit our Vehicle and Car example from before. Since JavaScript will not automatically copy behavior from Vehicle to Car, we can instead create a utility that manually copies. Such a utility is often called extend(..) by many libraries/frameworks, but we will call it mixin(..) here for illustrative purposes.

// vastly simplified `mixin(..)` example:
function mixin( sourceObj, targetObj ) {
    for (var key in sourceObj) {
        // only copy if not already present
        if (!(key in targetObj)) {
            targetObj[key] = sourceObj[key];

    return targetObj;

var Vehicle = {
    engines: 1,

    ignition: function() {
        console.log( "Turning on my engine." );

    drive: function() {
        console.log( "Steering and moving forward!" );

var Car = mixin( Vehicle, {
    wheels: 4,

    drive: function() { this );
        console.log( "Rolling on all " + this.wheels + " wheels!" );
} );

Note: Subtly but importantly, we’re not dealing with classes anymore, because there are no classes in JavaScript. Vehicle and Car are just objects that we make copies from and to, respectively.


作者有一点说的很有道理,所谓类的概念,其实也是一种设计模式而已,类的实例化、继承乃至多态本质上都是通过复制操作来实现的(Classes mean copies.)(比如说继承可以看成是子类复制了父类的所有成员变量和方法,再通过一些规则让某些父类方法无法被直接调用(重载、覆盖))。

If it starts to get harder to properly use mixins than before you used them, you should probably stop using mixins. In fact, if you have to use a complex library/utility to work out all these details, it might be a sign that you’re going about it the harder way, perhaps unnecessarily.


Parasitic Inheritance

A variation on this explicit mixin pattern, which is both in some ways explicit and in other ways implicit, is called “parasitic inheritance”, popularized mainly by Douglas Crockford.

Here’s how it can work:

// "Traditional JS Class" `Vehicle`
function Vehicle() {
    this.engines = 1;
Vehicle.prototype.ignition = function() {
    console.log( "Turning on my engine." );
}; = function() {
    console.log( "Steering and moving forward!" );

// "Parasitic Class" `Car`
function Car() {
    // first, `car` is a `Vehicle`
    var car = new Vehicle();

    // now, let's modify our `car` to specialize it
    car.wheels = 4;

    // save a privileged reference to `Vehicle::drive()`
    var vehDrive =;

    // override `Vehicle::drive()` = function() { this );
        console.log( "Rolling on all " + this.wheels + " wheels!" );

    return car;

var myCar = new Car();;
// Turning on my engine.
// Steering and moving forward!
// Rolling on all 4 wheels!


Implicit Mixins

Implicit mixins are closely related to explicit pseudo-polymorphism as explained previously. As such, they come with the same caveats and warnings.

Consider this code:

var Something = {
    cool: function() {
        this.greeting = "Hello World";
        this.count = this.count ? this.count + 1 : 1;
Something.greeting; // "Hello World"
Something.count; // 1

var Another = {
    cool: function() {
        // implicit mixin of `Something` to `Another` this );
Another.greeting; // "Hello World"
Another.count; // 1 (not shared state with `Something`)


Classes are a design pattern. Many languages provide syntax which enables natural class-oriented software design. JS also has a similar syntax, but it behaves very differently from what you’re used to with classes in those other languages.

Classes mean copies.

When traditional classes are instantiated, a copy of behavior from class to instance occurs. When classes are inherited, a copy of behavior from parent to child also occurs.

Polymorphism (having different functions at multiple levels of an inheritance chain with the same name) may seem like it implies a referential relative link from child back to parent, but it’s still just a result of copy behavior.

JavaScript does not automatically create copies (as classes imply) between objects.

The mixin pattern (both explicit and implicit) is often used to sort of emulate class copy behavior, but this usually leads to ugly and brittle syntax like explicit pseudo-polymorphism (, ...)), which often results in harder to understand and maintain code.

Explicit mixins are also not exactly the same as class copy, since objects (and functions!) only have shared references duplicated, not the objects/functions duplicated themselves. Not paying attention to such nuance is the source of a variety of gotchas.

In general, faking classes in JS often sets more landmines for future coding than solving present real problems.
