
I. 使用Jekyll


  1. Jekyll collects data.

    Jekyll scans the posts directory and collects all posts files as post objects. It then scans the layout assets and collects those and finally scans other directories in search of pages.

  2. Jekyll computes data.

    Jekyll takes these objects, computes metadata (permalinks, tags, categories, titles, dates) from them and constructs one big site object that holds all the posts, pages, layouts, and respective metadata. At this stage your site is one big computed ruby object.

  3. Jekyll liquifies posts and templates.

    Next jekyll loops through each post file and converts (through markdown or textile) and liquifies the post inside of its respective layout(s). Once the post is parsed and liquified inside the the proper layout structure, the layout itself is “liquified”.

    Liquification is defined as follows: Jekyll initiates a Liquid template, and passes a simpler hash representation of the ruby site object as well as a simpler hash representation of the ruby post object. These simplified data structures are what you have access to in the templates.

  4. Jekyll generates output.

    Finally the liquid templates are “rendered”, thereby processing any liquid syntax provided in the templates and saving the final, static representation of the file.



II. 静态页面 VS. 动态页面



当然,动态和静态并不是绝对的。比如我可以在Jekyll生成的页面里面用JavaScript来call一个第三方的存储服务,每次去读取第三方存储里面的内容加载到我的页面里去,这样也可以实现一个留言板的功能(随手找一个项目:https://github.com/klcodanr/Jekyll-Disqus-Forum)。这里区分动态页面还是静态页面主要是看从服务器端加载到浏览器里的内容是否变化为准,也就是说web server是否提供动态加载的功能。


  • 优点:
    • 安全:这个是对服务器端而言的,因为只提供静态的文件,所以就没有运行用户提供的代码所带来的风险
    • 轻量:web server只需要提供静态的页面,动态生成的部分被剥离出去了,管理起来也很容易
    • 加载更快:前提当然是你没有使用第三方服务。因为服务器端不需要动态加载其他地方的内容了,响应会更快一些
  • 缺点:
    • 需要使用第三方服务来实现动态的内容,提高了需要这些功能的博客主的维护成本

III. Markdown的选择
