在研究打造可与后端无缝衔接的前端开发环境时,发现在package.json中设置了proxy字段,却仍然无法再浏览器中访问被代理的那部分资源。并且尝试了使用不同的http server作为被代理服务器,都没有用。




function addMiddleware(devServer) {
  // `proxy` lets you to specify a fallback server during development.
  // Every unrecognized request will be forwarded to it.
  var proxy = require(paths.appPackageJson).proxy;
    // Paths with dots should still use the history fallback.
    // See https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues/387.
    disableDotRule: true,
    // For single page apps, we generally want to fallback to /index.html.
    // However we also want to respect `proxy` for API calls.
    // So if `proxy` is specified, we need to decide which fallback to use.
    // We use a heuristic: if request `accept`s text/html, we pick /index.html.
    // Modern browsers include text/html into `accept` header when navigating.
    // However API calls like `fetch()` won’t generally accept text/html.
    // If this heuristic doesn’t work well for you, don’t use `proxy`.
    htmlAcceptHeaders: proxy ?
      ['text/html'] :
      ['text/html', '*/*']
  if (proxy) {
    if (typeof proxy !== 'string') {
      console.log(chalk.red('When specified, "proxy" in package.json must be a string.'));
      console.log(chalk.red('Instead, the type of "proxy" was "' + typeof proxy + '".'));
      console.log(chalk.red('Either remove "proxy" from package.json, or make it a string.'));

    // Otherwise, if proxy is specified, we will let it handle any request.
    // There are a few exceptions which we won't send to the proxy:
    // - /index.html (served as HTML5 history API fallback)
    // - /*.hot-update.json (WebpackDevServer uses this too for hot reloading)
    // - /sockjs-node/* (WebpackDevServer uses this for hot reloading)
    // Tip: use https://jex.im/regulex/ to visualize the regex
    var mayProxy = /^(?!\/(index\.html$|.*\.hot-update\.json$|sockjs-node\/)).*$/;

    // Pass the scope regex both to Express and to the middleware for proxying
    // of both HTTP and WebSockets to work without false positives.
    var hpm = httpProxyMiddleware(pathname => mayProxy.test(pathname), {
      target: proxy,
      logLevel: 'silent',
      onProxyReq: function(proxyReq, req, res) {
        // Browers may send Origin headers even with same-origin
        // requests. To prevent CORS issues, we have to change
        // the Origin to match the target URL.
        if (proxyReq.getHeader('origin')) {
          proxyReq.setHeader('origin', proxy);
      onError: onProxyError(proxy),
      secure: false,
      changeOrigin: true,
      ws: true
    devServer.use(mayProxy, hpm);

    // Listen for the websocket 'upgrade' event and upgrade the connection.
    // If this is not done, httpProxyMiddleware will not try to upgrade until
    // an initial plain HTTP request is made.
    devServer.listeningApp.on('upgrade', hpm.upgrade);

  // Finally, by now we have certainly resolved the URL.
  // It may be /index.html, so let the dev server try serving it again.


    disableDotRule: true,
    htmlAcceptHeaders: proxy ?
      ['text/html'] :
      ['text/html', '*/*']



Any unrecognized request without a text/html accept header will be redirected to the specified proxy.

果然是被这东西坑了,也就是说包含htmlAcceptHeaders设置中的accept header的请求是不会被proxy的!因此无论我在浏览器中怎么访问,网页都是走不通的,因为网页要渲染就一定会产生有text/html类型header的请求的。
