
在Electron的世界里,你完全可以在React的组件中直接读取本地的文件并显示出来!那为什么我们还要在Electron中放一个后端的http server?



Why not


You could and some people have, but bear in mind that this would incur the overhead of HTTP protocol and the full networking stack. So it would have lower performance than the simple pipe used for IPC. It depends on what you want to do and whether you would be running it on devices with weaker processors.

Another thing to keep in mind is that any website the user loads in an external browser can access the Express server you spin up on the user’s machine. I suspect a lot of people spinning up Express on user machines have given little thought to the associated security concerns.


  • HTTP协议会增加数据传输的开销,降低性能。
  • Electron中打包的web server可能被外部访问,有安全隐患。