How to enable core dump

Enable core dump


  • 设置生成的core dump文件大小不受限制:ulimit -c unlimited
  • 查看当前的core dump限制(默认为0,即不生成core dump):ulimit -c

更推荐修改/etc/security/limits.conf设置文件中下面这一行,以保证此session之外的core dump设置依然生效:

*               soft    core            unlimited

Set the location/format of core dump file


echo "/corefile/core-%e-%p-%t" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern


	%p	pid
	%P	global pid (init PID namespace)
	%i	tid
	%I	global tid (init PID namespace)
	%u	uid (in initial user namespace)
	%g	gid (in initial user namespace)
	%d	dump mode, matches PR_SET_DUMPABLE and
	%s	signal number
	%t	UNIX time of dump
	%h	hostname
	%e	executable filename (may be shortened)
	%E	executable path

A simple test


kill -s SIGSEGV $$

Why can’t I find my core dump file

除去设置的因素外,还有一种原因是,core dump通过管道传输到某个程序中了:

[/proc/sys/kernel/]core_pattern is used to specify a core dumpfile pattern name.

  • If the first character of the pattern is a |, the kernel will treat the rest of the pattern as a command to run. The core dump will be written to the standard input of that program instead of to a file.


|/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c %d %P

另一种原因是你的进程是通过systemd来控制的,这种情况见Core dump for systemd service.

About apport


Note that even if ulimit is set to disabled core files (by specyfing a core file size of zero using ulimit -c 0), apport will still capture the crash.

前提是先要enable apport。

For intercepting Python crashes it installs a /etc/python*/ to call apport on unhandled exceptions.


Core dump in docker container

目前docker容器中enable core dump会比较麻烦,因为kernel并没有被隔离,所以你会发现/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern是以只读的形式挂载的,无法修改,且同一个宿主机上所有的容器都共享这同一份kernel配置文件。


Core dump for systemd service

前面的设置方法并不会对systemd下的service进程crash生成core dump文件,systemd自己有一套core dump相关的配置会覆盖系统的设置(即前面的设置方法)。

Enable core dump

  1. 修改/etc/systemd/system.conf文件,添加:

  2. 修改你的systemd service的设置(/etc/systemd/system/your-service.service),添加:

  3. Reload以上的配置,并重启你的service:

    systemctl daemon-reexec
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl stop your-service
    systemctl start your-service

Set the location/format of core dump file


A simple test

kill -11 your-service-pid

执行systemctl status your-service确认之前的进程已被kill掉后(如果设置的是restart=always,那么就看一下pid是否发生了变化),查看core dump文件是否存在。
